About Me

Bildet mitt
Ei fornøyd jente på 28 år, som er bosatt i eget hus, sammen med forloveden min, Tom, ei datter på 7, og liten gutt på 2 år. Dette er min blogg hvor jeg stort sett skriver om hverdagslige sysler og gleder, men siden jeg er en veldig kreativ sjel, som liker å pussle med det meste, så kommer her også innskudd av kreativitet og andre ting som måtte oppta meg. Kanskje jeg kan INSPIRERE deg?

lørdag 9. januar 2010

Undisclosed Desires

I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied

I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine

Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

Please me
Show me how it's done
Trust me
You are the one

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart


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